Define Yourself.

In a world where technology is the essence of communication, a simple letter is a classy and sophisticated way to communicate with family, friends, and loved ones. Whether you are looking to show gratitude, or just say hello, Uptown Stationery has fashioned an array of classy cards to be used for any occasion.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Written with Love

Today I had the children at Sunday School help write letters to the Soldiers. There were four different classes ranging from Kindergarten to third grade. The second I announced that we were writing letters, a lot of little hands shot up, each child telling his or her story about their experience with Soldiers. Some had parents currently overseas, others had sisters or bothers, grandparents or friends that were in the military. They were each excited to share their story. It was so neat to see them working so hard to write the perfect message. Here are a few of the cards they made! :) There are also cards that my friend Emily collected as well! Thank You Emily!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wedding Thank You Notes

The final step in planning and carrying out the perfect wedding is writing the thank you notes. I found this helpful article from Real Simple to help you write the quintessential thank you note to your guests!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Letters for Soldiers

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed your break away from work or school! To start of 2011, I am collecting letters for the USO. As many of you know the USO is one of the largest non-profits that is dedicated to supporting the troops both at home and deployed.

Just a few months ago, I was selected to represent Maryland at the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC, and one of the events that week is a day spent helping out at the USO! (You know I was excited when I found out about that!) I want to bring a little something from Maryland, so I decided to collect as many letters as I could! My goal is 1,000 but I think we can get more than that.

If you would be interested in helping out, I would really appreciate it! I already have a few schools and churches that are collecting letters, so if you think your school, student organization, church, or you personally would like to write a letter, please email me at!