Define Yourself.

In a world where technology is the essence of communication, a simple letter is a classy and sophisticated way to communicate with family, friends, and loved ones. Whether you are looking to show gratitude, or just say hello, Uptown Stationery has fashioned an array of classy cards to be used for any occasion.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 3: Monday April 3, 2011

Today was a really neat day. We started out taking a tour of the FBI Academy which was so neat, seeing as I am so interested in becoming a Special Agent. It was really interesting to see where the Agents train and go to school. Following the tour of the FBI Academy, we went to visit and tour Mt. Vernon, which was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I cannot believe I had never been there before! Not only did the sun come out but it was about 85 degrees! We could not have asked for a better day! During our tour we took a ton of pictures and got a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. We ended our day with a tea at the Lithuanian Embassy. We had a chance to talk to the Ambassador, who by the way was so down to earth and extremely friendly, as well as try a traditional Lithuanian Wedding Cake. It was really good, it tasted like a waffle. Yum! Looking forward to tomorrow!

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